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How Does a BeHappyCoaching Session Work?
Root Cause Analysis
You come into coaching with unfulfilled desires, whether in your personal or professional life. Together, we explore the deeper causes, the common thread running through your life, and uncover what you no longer want and what you wish to experience and achieve instead.
Creating a Wish List
We start by creating a wish list for all areas of your life, as unconscious blockages often prevent multiple desires from manifesting. We then determine which desire we should start with to create the greatest impact on all your goals.
Resolving Blockages
BeHappyCoaching is based on the hypothesis that wishes and goals do not materialize when unconscious and often unknown experiences, beliefs, and life scripts block their fulfillment. We identify and eliminate these blockages.
Programming and Focusing on What You Desire
Your wishes and goals are anchored through neurolinguistic programming, allowing them to manifest in your life.